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Expansion Blueprint

Gets better results from your spend.


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Totally legit | No satisfactory results means free work

seriously notable brands

We Work With Some of the Coolest Brands

In acknowledgment of consistently delivering outstanding results for our international clients.


Here's How You Ensure More Profit From Your Meta and Google Ads

Our '333 Expansion Blueprint' is for brand success results in improved clicks, superior traffic quality, attention-grabbing ads, enhanced ROAS, and ultimately... increased profit.

we hear this so often - it's a dilemma

"Facebook ad campaigns falling short of expectations?"

Unwrapping the '333 Facebook Ads Method'

I get it...

We all do...

Everyone thinks, "Facebook ads easy man! I checked this video and..."

Sound familiar?
I don’t have to convince you that 30.8 million...

South Africans browse Facebook on a daily basis!

(That’s 49% of the entire country!)

And 2.6 billion world wide...

Look, let's be straight...

If you haven't yet heard of the our strategy...

the '333 Expansion Blueprint'...

Then you and your business is missing out - seriously.

Not to worry for newbie...

I'm going to uncover it all for you now.

Let's go👇

"Why Most Brands Fail at

Facebook and Google Ads..."

We know you out there are doing at least 3 of these...


Wrong campaign objectives


Really sh**ty targeting


Offers that don’t resonate with client


Not knowing unit economics to ensure ads are profitable


Not knowing how to scale campaigns


Making ads, well, look like ads

I'm sure you were like...


Well, did I warn you?

Look, I'd love for you to hit the button now so we can chat but...

if you're looking to RIP OPEN the packaging...

Then carry on reading...


Here's How We Guarantee

Results like these👇

Unlocking the Secrets behind the success of the '333 Expansion Blueprint':


Proven Targeting System:

Identifying winning audiences in days, not weeks.


Influential Ads:

Crafting messages that influence purchases every time.


Profitable Campaign Mastery:

Knowing the precise ingredients for campaign profitability and seamless scaling.


Deep Business Understanding:

Our team delves into the intricacies of your business, ensuring campaigns align with your core objectives.

There you have it...

(well a macro overview)

Why Wait for Success When You Can Command It?

The time for uncertainty is over.

I need you to embrace the '333 Expansion Blueprint'.


It's a brand new way...

And we're constantly innovating.​

Let's embark on a journey...


Where your business' success isn't a question mark but a....

Foregone conclusion.👏

Let us show you how...

and elevate your digital narrative and...

command attention and...

watch your ad campaigns SOAR to unprecedented heights.​


WAIT! Before you go, check this...

The 'Secret Sauce' is in Our Protected Frameworks,

that is All The Difference.

Our cutting-edge '333 Expansion Blueprint' is a culmination of...

levers within frameworks that is game-changing...

Not only in our world but for your business too.

We focus on 3 key elements...

The Offer...

Target Audience...

Then the Ads.

Honing in on these critical components...

Ensures ads speak directly to the target market with...

Enticing offers that they simply can't refuse.

What is the '333 Expansion Blueprint':

  • is a 'plug-and-play' framework

  • delivers results every time

  • it's perfect for 99.99% of all businesses no matter their industries

That's a significant reality that it will work for your businesses.

Whether you want:

  • drive more traffic to your website

  • collect a sh*t ton of qualified leads

  • sell your products online

  • maximize online conversions

  • or boost your overall brand exposure


The '333 Expansion Blueprint' will just that.


you have all our 'tools' and expertise to help you snatch your goals.


Before you decide to "book now"...

Honey, let's be open and honest with each other here...

This is not for everyone and every business imaginable...👇

this will definitely work for you

Who's This Perfect For



beauty salons


COACHes/ gym owners

wealth/ financial game


Prohibited goods


Totally legit | No satisfactory results means free work

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Frequently Asked Questions


Do I really need a Facebook Advertising Agency to run my ads?

If you wanna increase your revenue and maximize your ROI, then Three33's groundbreaking Facebook advertising strategies are your skeleton key.

In the expansive realm of digital marketing, Facebook emerges as one of the most potent platforms to showcase your business. And at Three33, we specialize in crafting ads designed not only to enhance visibility but also to drive profitable growth, connecting you with your most coveted, die-hard customers.

While the landscape of Facebook ads marketing is undeniably competitive, but our distinctive approach sets us apart. We don't just aim to get your brand noticed; we prioritize creating ads that foster lasting customer relationships.

Our proven strategies have played a pivotal role in propelling numerous clients to unprecedented success, doubling and even tripling their profits through the influx of leads generated from impactful Facebook campaigns.

Facebook advertising unquestionably represents the future and stands as the foremost avenue for reaching new customers while nurturing existing ones. If you aspire to position your business at the forefront of social media presence, Three33 is your trusted guide.

Three33 is a leading Facebook advertising agency, we've empowered numerous local & international brands to expand their social reach and boost profits.

Today, Facebook ads marketing is an invaluable tool for businesses of every kind, whether specializing in e-commerce, B2B, or B2C. Facebook marketing not only helps build your brand but also increases customer awareness and fosters the 'know, like, and trust' factors between you and the consumer.

When you partner with our Facebook marketing agency, we'll also share some incredible tips and tricks we've gleaned along the way, ensuring you maximize every ad dollar you spend.

Are Facebook Ads really effective?

Is water truly wet?

Let's set the record straight. Anyone claiming that Facebook ads don't yield results is either clueless about Facebook marketing or has suffered the consequences of teaming up with a sub-par agency or marketer.

When executed with precision, Facebook ads emerge as the unrivaled powerhouse for lead generation and customer acquisition.

As a cold traffic source, businesses gain the capability to reach billions of individuals who may have yet to discover your company.

The magic lies in the Facebook pixel, unequivocally one of the most advanced digital marketing algorithms globally. This pixel harnesses Artificial Intelligence to collect data on users making purchases, downloading your ebooks, and entering your sales funnel. It then leverages this data to pinpoint more eager prospects akin to those who've already engaged with your business.

With the artful integration of direct response copy, attention-grabbing creatives, method-driven campaign builds, and relentless optimizations, Facebook continues to reign supreme in the digital marketing realm. It remains the most potent customer acquisition platform globally, standing shoulder to shoulder with Google.

Is it better to hire in-house or an agency for Facebook Marketing?

This is our perspective:

Opting for an in-house hire means bringing in a solitary individual, equipped with a specific skill set, to tackle one of the most intricate tasks:

Facebook Marketing. Sure, you can oversee their every move, but when that person eventually departs, you find yourself back at square one.

On the flip side, choosing an agency means enlisting an entire team of seasoned experts, each equipped with a diverse array of skills spanning numerous niches. At Three33, we thrive on a process-driven approach, ensuring our systems seamlessly adapt to any business, irrespective of industry. Our strategies have stood the test of time, consistently delivering the kind of ROI that compels our clients to shout their success from the rooftops.

How much does Facebook advertising cost?

How long is a piece of string?

Determining the cost of Facebook advertising is a unique journey for every business. The expenses you'll incur hinge on several crucial factors:

-Market Size (Whether there are 10,000 people or 10,000,000 in your market will significantly impact your advertising costs).

-Business Goals (Seeking 10 leads per day versus 50 leads per day will dictate different advertising costs).

-Competition in the Market (Advertising costs vary in a saturated market with similar-priced competitors compared to a market with minimal competition).

At Three33, we don't approach any business with a one-size-fits-all quote. Instead, we meticulously customize each campaign suggestion based on thorough research and gathered information. Our pricing aligns with the specific nuances and requirements of your business and niche. Be cautious of agencies providing fixed amounts for Facebook Ads, as they likely lack the true understanding of what it takes to thrive on this platform.

What makes Three33 the best choice for a Facebook Marketing Company?

We've achieved unparalleled success across diverse industries, surpassing the accomplishments of most agencies worldwide. Why? Because our approach is rooted in processes, fortified by unassailable data.

Every endeavor for our clients is guided by the same principles, theories, and processes that drive our own marketing as an agency. In a realm filled with 'gurus' preaching about running Facebook ads, we stand out because we practice what we preach. Our team of Facebook specialists stands as the epitome of expertise globally, and we are so confident in our ability to propel your business through Facebook that we extend a bold 30% Improvement Guarantee.

Challenge yourself to find another agency willing to stake their reputation on outperforming your current results. That, in itself, speaks volumes.

What is the best Facebook marketing strategy?

Crafting the optimal Facebook marketing strategy entails a bespoke approach tailored to your unique target market and business dynamics—no cookie-cutter methodologies in sight.

Each business operates in its own distinctive manner, with diverse offerings, opportunities, and Unique Selling Points (USPs). Crucially, understanding your target market takes precedence. Delve into their pain points, aspirations, and desired outcomes. Consider their position in the buyer's journey—whether they've just initiated the quest for a solution or remain oblivious to its existence.

Envision this journey as individuals endeavoring to transition from their current state to an ideal scenario. What does your business offer that enables potential customers to reach that coveted ideal state? How should you strategically position this?

By recognizing the paramount importance of your market, you pave the way to contemplate the most effective positioning for your business and offerings on Facebook. At Three33, we embrace the uniqueness of each venture, ensuring a tailored strategy that resonates with your audience and propels your business towards its goals.

Will I have to make changes to my website?

This hinges on a few crucial factors. For instance, if your Shopify website, catering to an eCommerce brand, is already experiencing robust traffic and a healthy conversion rate, adjustments may not be necessary. However, envision the scenario where we propose enhancements—perhaps boosting site speed or incorporating more content—that could potentially elevate your website's overall performance. In such instances, embracing these changes becomes a pathway to further success.

In the realm of Lead Generation campaigns, our strategy involves constructing a comprehensive sales funnel complete with dedicated landing pages tailored for Facebook traffic. In this scenario, alterations to your existing website are unnecessary. Nevertheless, we may offer recommendations designed to fine-tune and optimize your campaign's overall performance. At Three33, we believe in identifying opportunities for improvement and collaboratively charting a course that ensures your digital endeavors are continually optimized for success.

What types of companies are suited to advertise on Facebook?

Having executed highly successful campaigns for companies of all sizes across different niches, we're quite confident that Facebook advertising is well-suited for the majority of businesses.

Please note that Facebook does have some strict policies on a few industries. You can find them here: https://www.facebook.com/policies/ads/

How much does Facebook advertising cost?

Unlike Google, where the pricing is based on Cost Per Click (CPC), Facebook ads operate on Cost Per 1,000 Impressions (CPM).

CPMs on Facebook are determined by various factors, such as the level of competition in your advertising sector, the size of your target audience, and the nature of your ad copy and creatives.

To illustrate the cost dynamics on Facebook, let's break down an example:

Suppose Facebook sets the CPM for your campaign at $25. This implies that for every 1,000 impressions, you incur a cost of $25.

Assuming a click-through rate (CTR) of 1%, this translates to 10 clicks per 1,000 impressions, resulting in a Cost Per Click (CPC) of $2.5 ($25 spent / 10 clicks = $2.5 CPC).

If the conversion rate on your landing page is 10%, each set of 10 clicks yields 1 lead, costing you $25 per lead ($25 spent, 10 clicks, 1 lead = $25 CPL).

Now, let's consider a scenario where your monthly ad spend is $10,000, and the average CPL remains at $25. This means you'll acquire a total of 400 leads per month. Imagine the impact this could have on your business. At Three33, we navigate the intricacies of Facebook advertising costs, ensuring a strategic and cost-effective approach to maximize your return on investment.

What makes a good Facebook ad?

Numerous components contribute to the success of a well-crafted Facebook ad. These encompass:

-Direct Response Copywriting – Crafting persuasive sales copy that prompts an immediate response from the reader.

-Creatives – Designing captivating visuals that halt scrolling and engage the audience's attention.

-Campaign Build – Constructing a strategic funnel within Facebook's platform to guide users through a tailored experience.

-Audience Targeting – Proficiently identifying markets and audiences that yield robust performance.

-Offer – Formulating a value proposition compelling enough to leave the reader with no choice but to take action.

-Conversion Rate – The percentage of conversions derived from the traffic generated through Facebook.

In addition, key elements such as ad congruence, headlines, lead-ins, testimonials, reviews, user-generated content, and more play crucial roles in enhancing the effectiveness of a Facebook ad. At Three33, we excel in optimizing each of these facets to ensure your Facebook campaigns resonate and drive unparalleled results.

How are Facebook ads different from Google Ads?

Facebook operates as a COLD traffic source, while Google is deemed a 'warm' or 'hot' traffic source.

Google's warmth stems from the fact that prospects actively seek products or solutions to their problems, making them pre-engaged and more receptive to taking action.

On the flip side, Facebook exposes our ads to a diverse audience, some familiar with your brand and others not. This classifies Facebook as a 'cold' traffic source.

Now, you might wonder, why opt for cold when hot is available? A valid question.

Despite addressing an unsuspecting audience, Facebook boasts immense scalability. Once our Facebook pixel accumulates data on your target market, we can precisely target those interested in your product or service. By scaling up the campaign budget, we extend our reach, garner more clicks, accumulate leads, and secure additional sales. It's a straightforward application of mathematics. At Three33, we harness the power of Facebook's scalability to ensure your brand reaches its full potential.

Does Facebook marketing work for every type of business?

Facebook marketing works for the majority of businesses, if done correctly. As we mentioned earlier, we have worked with businesses of all sizes across different niches, so we know how to get the job done (as long as your business is not going against Facebook’s policies).

Note that Facebook does have some strict policies on a few industries. You can find them here: https://www.facebook.com/policies/ads/





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